Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy of six Haitian Children and two biological children

Hello Everyone!
I am the proud mother of 8 children! 3 are home with me and 5 are still waiting to come home from Haiti! I have two biological children, Isaac 6 and Hosanna 5 and one son already home from Haiti, Benjamin age 4. We brought Benjamin home in May, 2006 after 28 months of waiting! We will soon bring home Joshua age 15, Samuel age 10, and Jasmine age 9. We are currently in IBESR with our two daughters, Joranna age 7 and Anna Belle age 22 months. I work as the stateside adoption cooridinator for Lasshbrook Family Ministries ( ) so I have the unique opportunity to travel and see my children about every two months! This has been wonderful! I have really gotten to know them through my travels to Haiti! We also try to talk with them on the phone as often as we can. This allows all of my children the chance to get to know each other! There is so much more to share about our family but I am going to save it for a later entry. Blessings, Natalie

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